I made it to the wool and fiber fest in Romeo yesterday, it was a bit smaller and more low key than the one that they have in the fall but still worth the trip. And for me it's a haul! I watched a huge sheep getting sheared. I couldn't believe that these 120 pound girls were wrestling these things out of their pens and into the shearing area. The guy who was doing the clipping looked like he knew what he was doing especially when he was shearing around the male sheep's more delicate parts. It was a nice day for it too, especially after about 2 weeks worth of rainy weather.

This ram does not look happy! He struggled quite a bit at first but then he either calmed down or gave up! I would expect back problems are part of the job of sheep shearing. The guy doing the shearing was slinging this heavy squirming animal around all the while trying to clip all parts without any nicks.
Here's the wool fresh off the sheep,
ready to be bagged
Speaking of physical problems, I finally broke down and accidentally saw a doctor for my tendonitis. I say accidentally because I just happened to run into one of my favorite physiatrists at work and explained to her the issues that I was having. After admonishing me for waiting so long to do anything about it...she wrote a prescription for me to go to therapy which I am now doing twice weekly. It's going well but my therapist thinks that it'll probably be a couple of months of intensive treatment then long term healing of about six months. It sucks because I have to limit my activity / knitting time. I am trying to pay attention to positioning myself while working on things and also taking stretch breaks. So take care of yourselves fellow knitters!!!
Next project? I started a pair of Japanese Feather Socks using Cascade Fixation, should be a bit of a challange as the lace pattern seems fairly complex. The pattern is very pretty though and of course a freebie. My "at work socks" that I just started are the always popular Jaywalker socks using an "I can't remember the name of" German sock yarn with cool variagated colors, bright of course! Still poking away at the lace scarf but it's been pushed back a little in favor of some much needed spring/summer socks.
Some real nice socks
Great socks lady! Sorry I missed you on Saturday, I was there early and left after a couple of hours. You're right, it was pretty low key, but I made a purchase of some cool handpainted llama, and spun a little of it up already. I'll have to post a pic on my blog soon.
See ya.
Hiya! JP and I were at the Fest early, sorry we missed you! Didn't those little lambs just make you want to grab one and smuggle it home?!? The socks are lovely!
Wow!! You've knitted some lovely things!! I esp. like the Green KoolAid socks and the excellent green scarf you made from scratch!!!! I think that a red Panta will go perfectly with a Dalmatian ( he's very forbearing modelling for you too!!!) They are fire engine dogs after all, so red will be perfect!!!
I love those elongated rib socks--so pretty! Glad you got to see some sheep. Someday, I WILL get to one of these festivals!
Great socks! The colors are lovely and the fit looks perfect.
Like the sheep too :-)
Ooooh, I'm downloading the Japanese feather socks asap. I'm edging towards Jaywalkers. You socks are looking good, but please take take care of your mitts! Those sheep pix make me want to reread The Thorn Birds, I don't know why...;)
Wow! Your socks are great! I've never knit socks, but after seeing these, I'm definitely tempted to try some out. You've inspired me!
I love the Robins Egg Blue socks - lovely colour and the pattern shows up well. I love Shazza's site too and I lurk there from time to time. Thanks for dropping by my blog!
Best Wishes...Bernie
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