Yup that's right finished the Jaakukka shawl, not without some trauma. I had the entire thing cast off and when I went to block....way way too tight. So 3 hours of tinking back, stitch by stitch until I had all of the live stitches picked up. Thanks to some tech help from the knitter gals in the Lace Knitters group on Rav and some live and personal help from my lace Yoda Jae, I was able to finish it and it blocked beautifully. Did I put a lifeline in? You know me....I like to live dangerously. So without further ado...Shawl Pr0n!!
What to work on next? I have no clue, maybe I should finish up the 5 or so UFO's that I have lurking in my knitting basket. Though I never feel quite right unless I have something lacy on the needles.
As for anything new...not much. I have had a busy weekend and I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow wrapping up all of the X-mas crap. Mr. Larj would like to skip having a tree but I really love having a real tree up. Besides all of the decorations and stuff to set up I have some things to buy for friends. I didn't make anything for anyone this year. I really hate knitting or crafting with a deadline, I just don't do well. Still working on some spinning, I've started going t
I'm sure that I won't be posting anything before the holidays so everyone enjoy and have a safe and happy new year!! Cyber hugs to all!!
OMG--GORGEOUS!!! You rock :-)
Well worth the effort, cussing and tears....id' say! Very lovely!
It's beautiful and I love you modelling!! Bah humbug about the tight cast off, all those stitches, to undo, you are very patient!!
Merry Christmas to you all!!
looks good.... turn around.
Ms. Larg, it looks AWESOME! That is huge AND intricate - you should be so proud of yourself! Very, very pretty!
OMG!! Totally Stunning!!!
I love the shawl it is stunning!! Happy Holidays to you.
That is quite nice. Very nice openwork.
Oooh, pretty! So lacy and delicate! Beautiful work.
It's lovely, well done! Wishing you happiness and a Happy New Year!
So Pretty! So Lacy!
It's stunning...absolutely stunning. Kudos to you for knitting through the pain to get it done. Did you bring this to spinning on Saturday, and I missed it? If you haven't brought it, will you?
See you Saturday!
That is a very beautiful thing, your PrOn shawl. And from a later post, it's so encouraging to see you spinnings. You are making stunning colors and having a lot of fun with it. Cyber hugs back. Your Mom, the fearless button pusher kill her net book yet? lol. I got a net book last winter, and love it. ta for now.
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