It's that time of year, the leaves are still on the trees but not for much longer. I feel that dreary rainy cold bleah season breathing down my neck. I've decided that this winter I need to try to find an outdoor "something" to do. After all this is know..."winter wonderland" and all that crap. I was thinking about either cross country skiing or snowshoeing, any thoughts? No down hill for this chicken and snow mobilies don't appeal to me.
So what's new? Meh...not much. On the knitting front I have been solely dedicating my time to the Jaakukka shawl. I really wish I could get a good shot of the color. I've yet to really capture the subtlety of the blue and yellow interplay. I think it will be stunning once it's done. I've got about six repeats done so I am almost half way there. I have had some issues with working on this, I've had a flare of my frikkin' tendinitis. It really pisses me off too, now it's in my elbows. I'm a so
I have been doing a little retail therapy lately, I got some really cute project bags off of Etsy, I found a bag that had the same fabric as my laptop bag so of course I had to have it. This seller also had a really fun little bag with some construction worker hunks and as you all know by my "Mr. Larj" links, I do like some nicely arranged man flesh. ;-)
Today's retail therapy happened at the Fiber Expo in Ann Arbor. It's only about a 40 minute drive from home and this time of year it was really pretty drive with the fall colors in full swing. There were all sorts of vendors and of course alpaca's, sheep and angora rabbits. I got a little crazy with the roving which is sort of funny given the fact tha I've yet to really spin anything other than a couple of little wads of wool. One turned out OK but the other is totally over spun and
Other than that...nothing really new. Work is work, at least I have been able to work up on the floors where I wan't to be as opposed to working on Inpatient Rehab. I prefer the really sick people ;-) Mr. Larj is still hopelessly addicted to War-crack. I don't see or hear much from him although I did manage to drag him out to dinner tonight. I have to be a little bit nice to him if I plan on trying to wrangle a spinning wheel out of him for X-mas. The folks are about the same. My evil little mom is still her evil little self. As much as I malign her though I do have to appreciate her sense of humor. I was over there the other day and she had the movie Poltergist on. It was towards the end where the characters are about to get sucked in to what looks like...a giant vag. I said "boy ma that thing looks like a giant vag" at which point she started cracking up and said "it sure as hell does!!" ;-) I guess we all know where I get my sense of humor, between her and Harry I'm genetically predisposed to be sick and twisted.
Well, I think I'm gonna go and get a jump start on my week by getting the laundry started and maybe do a litte vacuuming. Bleah....
Everyone have a great week
I get my sick and twisted humor from my mom too. When I was about 13 our cat had his tail slammed in the screen door and it was skinned. Her parents lived with us in the winter and in the Keweenaw in the summer (when this happened). This cat loved my grandpa so my mom wanted to mail him the skinned part of the tail with the vet bill. But she decided sending that to 75+ year old man may not be the best idea.
The shawl is gonna be gorgeous. I haven't done any lace knitting in like forever, my tired brain just can't handle it.
The shawl looks great! I can't wait to see it in person.
I wish I had known about the fiber fair. I could have used some retail therapy after the hellacious week I had last week.
If you every want to give my wheel a spin, let me know. I'm not using it much right now. Thanks to the new loom and the "Trindle" from heaven.
Wonderful shawl! I can tell it's going to be awesome even though it's still in that lacy blob stage.
And that's some nice fiber you've got there.
Nice blog there. Are you racing along on it?
Cross country, if someone has established the trails, is so much easier than snow shoe but snow shoes can take you off the beaten path. If that's what you wanted.
It's great to have a sick and twisted sense of humor. My brother, sister and I have one, we are throw backs to some ancestrals we believe. But I've gone all soft in the head in recent years. The nicey nicey bloggy thing. Am I in trouble now?
Meant Blob, not blog. sigh.. This is what I get for trying to make sure the dog doesn't eat any more dust bunnies from under the computer table.
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