I think it turned out really well and was basically an easy knit, just one that I didn't stick to and I'm not really sure why. I guess there were too many other projects to distract me plus everyone at work seems to get knocked up at the same time so I was stuck in a baby sock rut for a while.
I mentioned last post that I was making a case for my new iPod...here it is in all of it's Noro goodness. the original plan was for a long thin case but somehow my calculations were skewed and I ended up with more of a square case. This as I discovered after felting and finishing works to my advantage as I can store my iPod and earbuds in the same case. I added an antique button from my grandma's button box. Doesn't everyone's grandma have one?
Speaking of Noro lets touch on Noro Kureyon sock yarn ....Noro how do I frog thee? let me count the ways. Three.... at last count. This yarn sort of freaks me out. It doesn't have the give that plied yarn has so trying to find a pattern that will have a little sproing is a challenge. I started out with sort of a zig zag pattern that looked really cool with the yarn but didn't have the bounce, I then went with my standard garter rib stitch and at 66 cast on stitches it was huge. So I started looking for patterns at a 60 stitch cast on count. I found one in my Favorite Socks book called Mock Wave Cable So
As I mentioned I've had the entire week off from work. I have managed to somewhat relax but I have also gotten a few things done around the house. The major thing was getting the computer updated. It had been about six years so we were ready...or should I say I was ready. Mr Larj has an irrational fear of change so he didn't cope well with the change of certain programs etc. Oh well. Now I only have two days left and it's back to more of the same. I usually am sort of "ready" to go back but... not this time. I think I am truly in a rut as far as my job and profession go. Sigh.... Maybe someday I'll be able to survive on full time artist's pay but not at this point in my life. Other than that nothing new and exciting though...I did print off Clapotis yesterday...........
Everyone have a great weekend!!
Lovely shawl modelling!! And the little Noro felted bag is so cute, and yes all nans have a button collection!!!
Ohh...it sounds as though you have the Sunday night blues a little early. I suppose it should be called the "back from vacation blues". The "knowing the vacation is drawing to a close and anticipation of going back to the dregs of what you left for one week" really really bites at times. Try to treat yourself to something this weekend and then take it easy Monday and Tuesday. Hopefully it will take the edges of the blah you're gonna feel.
Gorgeous shawl, you sexy bitch you!
Hee... I like what Amby said. hee. Seriously... don't you love lace.
We need to have a martini night soon!!!!
Haha I was going to say that when I get around to making a shawl I am totally stealing the whole shawl pr0n picture idea, but then I remembered that my grandma reads my blog. :( So maaaaaybe not.
Anyway, it looks fantastic, as does the iPod cozy! Good luck with the socks, those colors are pretty incredible.
Lovely - all!
Pretty, pretty, pretty! I love it!
Gorgeous shawl!!! I love the colors of the felted bag, too.
Ooh, lovely shawl and boy you look good in your Greenjeans. I am making one as soon as some yarn arrives for me!
I hear you on the rut front. I am in a SERIOUS BIG ONE too. Hope you work it out. At least with the MOTH gainfully employed it eases the pressure. I have to wait 8 more weeks and mine should be able to earn some dollars. Counting down!!
I love your shawl and if I had to go by the one at Elan, I'd never knit it, but yours, now I do want to knit it.
The little bitty noro purse is cute!
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