Then it was off to Kristi's place for food, fun and knitting. Amanda is showing of a lovely chocolate brown shawl that she recently finished. Nice work!! Kelli is tempting me with her drop spindle spinning technique. She makes it look so easy. Again thanks to Kristi for stepping up and making it an event to remember also special kudos for having Boca Burgers!
This was my total haul for the day. Some of it is for my personal stash and some is for gifties. I found this wonderfully SOFT sock yarn at Threadbear made by Twisted Fiber Art. It's amazingly soft and self patterns. Can't wait to try it out.
My plan for the weekend was to stay at my brother's place after leaving Kristi's. It's an hour and a half drive to the Lansing area from Detroit so I figured since Bill lived in the area I would impose upon him for a place to sleep over. What I didn't realize is that he only lives about 20 minutes from Kristi! How convenient. I roped my niece in to going to Meijer for a couple of bottles of wine then we all sat around yakking until it was time to turn in.
Me with my brother and my niece.
When I opened my overnight bag, my brother's dog made an immediate bee line for my felted clogs. We had to create a diversion in order for her to give it up quietly. Even Cinder knows
The next day we went to the St. John's cider mi
As for knitting news, I am finishing up some baby socks for a girl at work that is ready to pop any second. Despite what I considered to be a less than stellar experience with garment making, I am contemplating this from the fall issue of Knitty. I have some Berocco Ultra Alpaca in my stash that just might work. It calls for 840 yards total and the four skeins of Ultra Alpaca work out to 860. The only question is how it would work out as a yarn substitution. I think ok, but is all worsted weight created equal?
Angela thanks for the yummy apples I am eating one right now! Delsh!! Well I've got the next 2 days off!! So back to work on Wednesday for me. Everyone have a great week!!
Hey missy! Great to see you again! Any idea how soon I could get those earrings from you?? Let me know when you have a timeline, send me an e-mail, k?
Sounds like much fun was had by all. As for the spinning - go onnnn, you know you wanna.
I'm so jealous! That looks like fun!
I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you on Saturday. To many knitters to little time!
I'm so glad you made it. I didn't get to see what you bought, looks like you got some great yarn.
Also, thanks for my birthday present. I think I'm going to cast it on this weekend. And maybe even finish them.
Hopefully I'll see you Tuesday.
It was great to see you again even though we didn't get to hang out. But hello! If you've got family only 20 minutes from Kristi, that means you have more reasons to head up to Lansing to stop and knit at ThreadBear. :)
And yes, I'm a HUGE boyband fan. :) hehe... Mostly Backstreet, but I pretty much love them all.
Great haul!! Well done.
Gosh, your neice looks just like you!
Make sure you post a pic of your new tattoo! I am contemplating one . . . as always!
Wow, what a great time and you look fantastic!! All dogs like shoes. I found my dog walking shoes, both of them, in the garage this morning!! Maybe a hint?? I am sure Cinder didn't need that diversion at all!!!
Wow! What an absolutely awesome time it seems you've had! My gosh, I'd so love to join such a thing too one day, but I'm afraid we'll never have that in Austria - duh ;((( Anyways, I so enjoyed reading through your story and watching all those pics - yep, I'm jealous indeed ;)
What a great event! Looks like you had a great time - and got a great haul.
You and your niece look definitely like family. Glad you were able to divert Cinder away from your clogs. I also like Greenjeans... let me know what yarn you decide on...
Enjoy your days off.
I recently got a kit that i ordered from Threadbear. I've neer been there in person, but hear that it's FAB!
Wahhhhh, i tried to open the pic of all the knitters and it wouldn't work. :(
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