After the week I've had it was a really pleasant surprise to find out that I won the gift bag give away on
Arleta's blog! I received a nifty decorative box with a skein of hand dyed sock yarn (by Arleta), note cards with a knitting theme and initial sticky notes. How did she know that I have
CRS and can't live without sticky notes? It also happened to arrive the day after my birthday so I consider it as part of my birthday prezzie cache. I also received some nice things from my co-workers including lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant with
Lynn and some of my peeps in the following group. Fellow knitter
Beth gave me a lovely wood and cane box filled with different types of tea.
Erica , who also knits, gave me a gift certificate for one of my fav LYS's;
Ewe-nique Knits.
Michele gave me chocolate which is essential to my sanity and well being.
Leslie , another rabid knitter, baked me a cake and made a fruit salad, she also told me that more prezzies are on the way, I suspect something knit related. Last but not least...
Billy , who does not knit, gave me an "American Psycho" pillow case. Where he finds these things I'll never know but I know that I can always count on him to find something memorable.
Mr. Larj also has prezzies en route, one being the second S n' B book. I can't wait to make the
Henry Rollins doll!
Mom Larj gave me a lovely card and $25 that I am sure will be added to my yarn stash.

As for actually knitting anything? I've been slowly working on several things. My commitment to finishing the Fuchsia lace scarf has been on hold. I have been trying to wrap up a couple of pair of socks, the Feather and Fan socks and a pair of pink Fixation socks. So...what's the story on the hat? At present I am in the midst of having my
Bathroom O' Skank remodeled. The
contractor is a friend of mine's son. He's a very motivated and hardworking guy and felt he deserved a little something extra for all of the hours put in transforming the circle of hell that was my bathroom. So I knitted him a
London Beanie. I'll have to post a pic of him modeling it and also a before and after pic of the bathroom.

I couln't resist posting this picture of Chief as he was sleeping on the couch this afternoon. Note the position of the left paw. Too cute. He seems to be adjusting well to the change in our household. I think he's a little bored but I have been trying to give him regular walks to let him know that he is loved. I would like to give heartfelt thanks to everyone who posted here regarding Hooch, your kind comments meant a lot to me and my family at this very difficult time. Hugs to all of you!!!
Oh, I have a dog-couch picture too today!! Must be the day for it!!!! Glad you are all OK!!
Happy Birthday, LM! Yay! I'm so glad you got your little gifts! That picture of Cheif is adorable.
Happy Birthday!!
I love the London Beanie, that has always been on my to do list.
Happy birthday--and what a yarn-filled celebration you had. And the London Beanie is great!
Missed ya tonight! Hope you're feeling better!
Happy Birthday! The last pic made me laugh out loud - now everyone's looking at me...
Happy belated Birthday.
Nice prize from Arleta! Cute pic of the chief too.
Wonderful picture! :o)
Happy belated birthday, so sorry I missed it. Great hat too, he's a lucky contractror!
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