Also progressing along is the Feather and Fan sock. I am attempting to use my petunias as cover for my non-pedicured toes. This is sock #1. I should be able to finish up and start #2 this week. I am really enjoying this pattern as it's easily commited to memory and turning out well with the self striping yarn. Other sock stuff that I have going on....I started a Cascade Fixation sock of my own design using a short row heel for the first time. I don't know if it's the yarn, or if I'm just not liking the look of the heel itself but I intend to frog back and do a heel flap. The "at work" Jaywalkers are coming along, sock #1 is almost finished and again I should be able to finish up and start #2 this week barring any interruptions like meetings. I really hate meetings.
In other non knitting news; my sister Gus and my niece will be coming to Michigan for a visit in a couple of weeks. Very cool, I'll have someone to play with instead of spending my summer saying "I'm bored, there's nothing to do". I'm sure we'll be hitting a few LYS's, and the Eastern Market. My shoulders are slowly healing. I am doing my home exercise program with some modifications. Like every one else this summer, we're trying to stay cool during this hopefully soon to end heat wave.
Whew! Lucky to find the additional yarn that you needed for that sweet looking scarf!
Hmmm. I'm totally amused by the way the self striping sock yarn looks in that pattern. I don't think i would have even attempted using it in a pattern. You're so brave. It looks great!!
The scarf is looking lovely, lucky for you on finding more of the yarn for it. Socks look good too.
How lucjy to find more wool!! Your scarf looks very luscious. I love my F&F socks, and I can see yours are going to be just as loved!!!
The scarf is beautiful and how lucky to be able to get more yarn.
The F&F socks look great and the self striping yarn works well with the pattern.
Your scarf is pretty! Yay for finding more of the right yarn.
I love your socks. Nice colors!
And....Have a fun visit. Does your sister knit?
Thanks for the comment on my funky slippers! That kool-ade makes for some bright yarn!
the lace scarf looks great, I love the texture
That's a great scarf pattern and such a beautiful colour. You were so lucky to get more!
Wow, busy busy! I can't wait to catch up with you and see all the cool FO's you'll have!
Have fun with your sister.
I'm so glad you were able to find the extra yarn - that scarf is so gorgeous. Hope that you have fun with your family visiting, and that we'll still see you at S'n'B on occasions!
Your f&f socks are just looking fabulous! I'm sure you'll be happier with the new heel. I've never met a short heel that I have been really happy with yet. It's just one of those things for me, ya know?
The scarf is lovely, too. When I block scarves they always seem to end up longer rather than wider, but I haven't blocked a lace scarf yet. I am sure I would pay more attention to making the pattern show because of it.
Thank you for leaving those wonderful political comments on my Blog posts. They are a far cry from the subject of your own Blog, in which I am afraid you are pulling the wool over my eyes with your crazy yarns.
I notice reference to injured shoulders. Is this condition caused by too much knitting?
I hope they soon recover.
My love to Michigan and all who live there.
It was nice meeting you Tuesday at Caribou- hope to see you there again next week!
The sock is great and... no pooling! Lucky u! PS I love the dalmation a couple of posts down. I hope the thunder didn't 'get' him - too funny!
Hi hun - tried 2 email the lace leaf scarf patt but was returned status:undelivered. Do u have another email address?
Petunias to cover your toes--what a great idea (and cheaper than a pedicure!). I nver would have thought of doing feather and fan with self-striping--it looks great!
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